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61 reviews from our car dealer reviews community

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"Gambling traders"
1 out of 5 stars
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I dislike bad reviews but I tell you every one who takes the time to type one isn’t writing a fairytale it’s a warning that I wish I found before reading autotraders lies, Leos Motors UK sell you a banger roll dice hope it isn’t a shed these cars cannot be AA approved I doubt it so much unless AA just not checking them. I won’t go into much but top and bottom we rejected a car due to mildew build up and heavy leaks which I have video and photographic proof and approved trusted garage inspection should they of objected at time. we was promised a refund dribs and drabs in 14 days... 24 days..later no refund they told us after hounding them on day they are not financially stable to refund us... so this is my review in response to the last review of a customers same problem. Mr Lee Snell Mrs Emily Snell. So you owe this customer money and you owe us £3995 for our refund for a car we had less than 7 days, strong and verbally you would refund us 14 days.. I count two people without money now and if you go back further enough in reviews it’s not looking positive, obviously you are aware we are going court not that I think you have shown any interest just so you know! Refund us once you sold cars? if the reviews and your website lists that you have sold cars since mine? where is the refund ? please respond with something concrete I’m finding it really hard to understand the “we don’t own the cars problem” if it’s stock loan and I checked this out it does not stop a refund happening according to FCA the consumer body you are registered under which i spoke today with. We have given you really reasonable options and neither you will take therefore making this simple in court not wasting the judges time is number one rule! Now you will pay our court fees with the £3995 bet you think all customers are push overs I promise I will get my refund small claims or WUP If that’s what it takes!!! stay clear customers that is my advice. Thanks.

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Andy in response to Gambling traders

We are going through the same thing, sold us a car with major engine problems. We have started court proceedings also. Drop me your email if I can be any help. Also report to BBC watchdog too they are very interested in them. We are owed £4,200

Sean in response to Gambling traders

Hello Andy, Thanks I have also posted on watchdog and we will be starting proceeding soon too should you require any info you can contact me on this address Thanks Sean

Lee from Leos Motors UK Ltd in response to Gambling traders

Hi there in response to this e mail I have no arguments about the refund the reason was very trivial a water leak into the boot which was a £5.98 bung in the boot floor and as you explained you had over spent and lost confidence but the law states 28 days full refund so we honoured your decision your/our vehicle you purchased is here and for sale. I have no excuses why you have waited 3 weeks the fact is cash flow is very tight and it was is December/January so a lot has happened with our bank balances yes we run a stocking facility as all businesses do that are small but the truth off the matter is this we have paid you a small amount back and upon sale off the car or Leo’s having a successful run we will clear the remaining amount my father has been at this site since 1972 and although having terminal cancer is still here with me and I can honestly say we have never not paid a customer back nor never will not pay a customer back we live for each week business is hard being small but we sell 40 to 50 cars a week yes we are AA approved yes our cars are all serviced and have a independent mot but they are used cars and things will go wrong time to time but it’s how we react and sort these problems out and up to yet after 46 almost 47 years we have always done this correctly and others believe so as well. As we stand at present we owe 4 customers money on refunds and on my family’s word I have not and will not ever let anyone down we are like other small business fighting year after year, there are always 2 sides to all stories and the wording off this e mail hurts and offends me as well as damages a family business reputation we was nothing but truthful and explained our situation as I am now whoever reads this no that we are honest motor traders not perfect but human we never intentionally hurt or upset anyone nor try to wrong anyone but at times things go wrong. I give my word to the 4 people reading this that we owe funds to, no this your opion is your opion and we fought at war so that we all have a voice I will not let you down I’m sincerely sorry but we have explained all this to you the truth I ask other people understand the reasons and I write this from the heart as a explanation that’s all thanks for reading and your time kind regards lee Snell Leo’s motors UK ltd.

Sean Derrick in response to Gambling traders

Hello Lee, I can continue to communicate through reviews but I doubt it is healthy for the business and I already said I hate leaving bad reviews, but when one forces your hand what can you do? You mention you have paid us some money? when what money and the repair was £5.98 ding in the boot? Where was the ding? and who fixed it for £5.98 I had a garage take a look at the car and he said on inspection there is 3 pools under the bottom mat of boot the possible leaks could be the back brake lights and the small corner window seals as well as the grommets and finding that leak would cost time as they need to remove the lining out of the boot and that is sometimes not a small task not to mention the build up of rust on caps where wheel goes indicating a leaking has been the for a while you have made it sound like we are bad customers we have done nothing but been fair with you all from start, you can't expect us to spend £3995 on a car that could have possible long term corrosion damage to the electrics if it was so simple to repair it I would of let you do that but obviously knowing it could have more faults due to the leaking we decided against it. When I read the reviews it's pretty clear the car been sold are not actually been inspected and you are expecting us to understand a family run business for what (47 years ) not be able to determine damp build up smell or that it has just been cleaned and is still wet. don't you think as a business you would think hang a minute should I sell the car like this or should I make sure its right first or give the customer 3 different excuses to why it smells damp because 1 excuse isn't enough. You might want to delete the post about 28 days refund because it does not apply to this sale or the sales of good act 2015 trader, You are not a retailer and you are not distant selling regulated. I think you may be confused here a rejected car this is 14 days refund as stipulated by yourself at time of refund. Are you actually telling me if you spent £4000 on something nice and you came and gave it me back and I said refund you in 3 days then not refund you and say no actually by law I don't have to refund you for 6 months how does that make you feel you need to understand what it really feels like to be left without any money and any car fine 14 days we can manage but you saying over 1 month if not more taking absolute mess. We have checked through Citizen advice, FCA , both have confirmed it is 14 days and it to us to give you the extra until end of month to pay us at our request not by law.. so you have got until end of month this to make sure we have been fair yet again. I see Gary A. got a car according to his review so again where is my refund... you did say soon as you sold a car we see a refund. you sell 40-50 cars per week yet still no refund I don't understand what you are talking about fighting for free speech etc, You are a trader you are using trader web services for business use and this service is to review experiences on. So I don't understand why you feel the need to play victim you are the trader who is not running within regulations and as directors could be struck off for not paying debts off that 15 years strike off again not my fault but you expect customers to bend over because you wasn't been 100% when trading. My review is justified on the treatment we have received from start to finish the aftercare and the communication has been really bad you expect 1 person to run all the admin for you and when we call we are referred to an email why can you not just be straight from start makes no sense that we have to use emails to find out we cannot have a refund. Why all the sudden remorse you never showed any of it during our refund so forgive me if i don't believe a word you have said in the review.

Lee snell from Leos Motors UK Ltd in response to Gambling traders

Response received and being dealt with I work for leos motors a limited company and from your first review you said you would ruin me personally I feel this is a personal attack and I have appointed a solicitor who is contacting the police in reference to the personal attacks and naming but I have put all your comments forward and I sincerely apologise for the delay in your refund. A large vat bill a few returned vehicles and a company taking a substantial amount off money off us left us fighting in December but we are on the mend and are hoping to finish paying you off very soon sincere apologies from all at leos motors U.K. Ltd a family run business I hope upon receiving your refund in full you will leave a family business alone and from a personal side leave me alone I have 3 children and a wife that is pregnant baby due on march the 4th so no more naming and threats please my family are under massive stress as things are finally deal with leos motors uk ltd direct not myself please but rest assure you are top off list to pay soon as the money is in thank you and again we have been nothing but honest kind regards

Sarah Nixon in response to Gambling traders

Please feel free to contact me about my dealings with them. Could a group action be made against them?

Sean Derrick in response to Gambling traders

Hello Lee, What was a personal attack? according to public record you are secretory and your partner is director of the company that is public knowledge that indicate who owns the company so if I posted your names if because that is what the company house shows on the site for when I am claiming money I will include the names including Jamie Gunn who sold me the car so that I can cover my basis. I don't understand how you can appoint a solicitor over public reviews we are not shaming you? this is your doing? and this website reserve the right to allow customers to leave feedback (Freedom Speech) solicitor is not going to do anything better yet how can you even afford one if you cannot afford my refund? All I hear is empty excuses you are selling cars but not refunding people you are a joke that what I think and feel I am angry you have my money that is now 40 days since I returned the car so rightly so when you lie to us in person about our refund and don't make out you did not because you did since you owe other customers money before us? I have received over 3 emails from customers you owe money too that is over £10,000 It is not personal I don't have some vendetta against you what I want is my refund? what I want is to know when I am having my refund? what I want is basic reassurance? what have you given me none of those things tomorrow is the last day so after that we make that £4180 you owe for my court fees, Respect you have a family which you have said in your response but what you are basically saying is it is okay to take money because you need to live but people who also have families are to struggle in result of your business been unable to pay people back, People need to commute to work able to earn money for families too so your response does not justify the ongoing issues. You seem to have gone the extra mile for another customers but completely utterly ignored us when we want a refund so again another doubtful reviewer also never seen a Kuga in your sales since I had my Astra so you sold a car another car and chose not to refund anyone!

Sean Derrick in response to Gambling traders

Just leaving an update for review purposes - it has been 52 Days since we returned the car so that's an additional 38 Days after our 14 day promise refund. and that is also 38 days since Leo's Motors have communicated with us other than the nonsense through here. I am yet to receive that family business customer service approach they rave about! hey ho what can you do about that eh? Sent you an email 3 days ago no acknowledgement *shrugs* don't worry guys thanks for that reassurance... So court claim started today so I have estimated what will happen based on what I heard so far with other customers doing same? I will estimate half a year to get a refund approximately. only thing government should be doing is sticking you with WUP! So lets rewind to 22/12/2018 when me and my partner was stood in the office with yourself Lee & James you point blank was not entirely honest now was you. Please tell me why you said soon as you sell cars you can pay people an you have sold many cars since, we want to know? My email is in reviews should you like get in touch.

Sean Derrick in response to Gambling traders

Just a further update on my review, I still not received my refund and we are now hopefully on the last stages of the Court Case as for some bizarre reason they defended the claim (talk about dragging the heels on something they clearly owed. sigh... If you accepted the rejection and offered the refund why now state no faults found when your previous review states you did... I have to say I am really upset about the way Leo's Motors have handled this refund really let down it's over 6 months now and the amount of sacrifices we have had to make for our wedding due to having to spend out money on another car I would like to see this behind us pretty soon for both our sakes.

Sean Derrick in response to Gambling traders

Hello All, just like to update everyone that I have still not been offered my refund of £4175 (court fees included) from Lee Snell. I like to make you all aware that if you ever to come dispute they will insist you go small claims so they can rely on the a slow justice system to hand them a judgement. Last buyer was lucky their court wasn’t so busy as my local court so bare that in mind when you choose a court. It’s been since December 2018 they promised our refund and now they have decided to defend the case in full stating no issues with car yet if you read my previous posts, well you can see Lee Snell admitted faults already! FYI lee Snell that is part of my evidence pack so thanks for for that. Courts won’t have a hearing there isn’t a chance let’s face it your defence is pointless after you already accepted the rejection!! Are you expecting court to ask us to merry on down and collect the car or do you want car and our cash I can’t really understand because you have it up for sale??

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"Falls Promise and breach of contract"
2 out of 5 stars
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I purchased the Vauxhall Meriva from Leo's Motors UK Ltd. At the point of purchase I paid the agreed amount. The Vauxhall Meriva is not as described. Trader promised that car comes with warranty he provided his own paper also to confirm that this car has 12 months warranty, but when car got the problem I noticed that trader made a falls promise and this car is not registered with warranty company. I have tried contacting with trader with different communication channels like whatsapp chat, text messages, telephone, registered post. But trader is not replying to call, message, chat and letters. Trader has already been informed about the issues and problems..

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Lee snell from Leos Motors UK Ltd in response to Falls Promise and breach of contract

Please can you call the office we are confused as this vehicle has 12 months warranty with handler protect and you have already made a claim and been paid out thanks Lee.

"Broke down within two days"
1.2 out of 5 stars
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Bought a car from Leos Motors last week and it broke down within two days. Now they're saying they can't afford to refund me. I thought they were a trustworthy company, obviously not. Now I've got a battle on my hands to get my money back from this joke of a company. I really don't believe any of the positive reviews on here as the names used by the reviewers are also the names of the people who work there.

Staff from Leos Motors UK Ltd in response to Broke down within two days

Could you contact the office as we have no idea what car this is and regarding us using people who work here to leave all our reviews, we have 4 staff so maybe if your leaving a review try and be realistic. And leaving a name on a review would be helpful

"Great service ! "
5 out of 5 stars
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We needed a bigger family car, we went to view 3 lovely motors at Leo's. We got quality customer service. They did their very best to match our needs and were really understanding. The guys gave us a brilliant deal and part exchange for our old car. I'd certainly go back again. And I'd recommend them to my friends and family ! Thanks Leo's motors !!

"Great family business"
5 out of 5 stars
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I've purchased a few cars from Leos motors and found the whole experience easy, none pushy and I have been very pleased with every car I've had from them. The aftercare was a nice touch aswell and all the staff are very welcoming and make the whole experience hassle free, that's why I always go back to them for another car and I forward my friends and family to them too. Keep up the excellent work guys!

"Do not buy a car from here!!"
1 out of 5 stars
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Bought a car from Leos Motors UK had not even a week before it started struggling to start. Took to a local garage and they said a major fault had been covered up. Currently trying to get our money back we are owed over £4000.

Lisa in response to Do not buy a car from here!!

100% agree. has anyone noticed that when a negative true review is written, one or more positive fake reviews contradicting the negative true review is then posted. it's constantly happening, and it's blatant and obvious. I wrote a review this month and they replied to it with lies. they promised to pay two weeks in a row on a Thursday. they finally made the first instalment 16 days late. The car had so many faults, the tyre was illegal as tread was really low, the exhaust was incredibly noisy as it had a hole in it, there were 3 warnings on the MOT which they didn't tell me about when I bought it, they told me it had no Mot warnings and also that the bodywork was perfect when it was covered in scratches. they are a bunch of liars and everyone who has complained about them on this site has written accurate and correct reviews. it's the 5 star reviews which are false. do your own research. go to Facebook. talk to the negative reviewers there and you'll hear the truth. don't buy from them. look them up on companies house. then look up their previous company. go to all the review sites like Facebook, Google and this one. they will say we're all lying. they're the liars not us

"Highly recommend "
5 out of 5 stars
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Great members of staff. Quality vehicles. Would recommend Leos Motors to anyone.

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"Don't buy from them"
1 out of 5 stars
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The cars at Leos Motors UK are awful, in very poor standard. they promise a refund within 14 days. doesn't happen. They're an Arthur Daley company. don't go there. don't waste your money and time. the aa won't help you either. they don't wanna know. even the aa connection to them means nothing.

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Lee snell from Leos Motors UK Ltd in response to Don't buy from them

Hi there our company is a small family business my father has traded since 1972 and we are a honest set up this review is unfair but also true in places we live for each week some times each day being self employed in this particular time is hard and occasionally we don’t have funds to buy vehicles back with under the new strict citizens advice rules. This customer rejected a quality vehicle due to a tyre that was legal although used and for a central locking fault which turned out to be a £1.49 battery in the remote. Upon asking for her refund through the AA scheme she became violent and used foul language if you wish to read this we have all this for you to read. Lisa the lady in question was right to refuse the vehicle as that is her rights and right to be upset that on the day she wanted a refund we did not have the money to give but made a agreement due to our finances this is the truth I thank you for your time in reading both sides.

"Focus st"
5 out of 5 stars
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Leos Motors are great people to deal with no pressure what’s so ever cars described as it says cheers.

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"No pressure buying"
5 out of 5 stars
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Great service, Leos Motors don’t pester you they just let you look freely and when you find something you like they’re then there to help you - really nice people.

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Dealership Information

Leos Motors UK Ltd is an Independent dealership that is based in Nottingham. If you’re the owner or employee of this business, please send us a little bit of information about your dealership and why customers should come and visit.

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Manufacturers: Sells a variety of makes and models
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    Leos Motors UK Ltd
    39A Main Road
    NG17 9EY

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